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Vietnam is proud to be one of a few countries that have quality agricultural products thanks to the natural geographical location and soil characteristics, especially the premium spices products have been recognized and appreciated by the international market.

For that reason, Sunspice was born based on the spirit of cherishing and cosseting the cosseting presents of the nature as an indispensable spice, blowing soul to the cuisine in particular and to life in general. Sunspice is a premium spice product line of Phuc Thinh Export Import Investment Corporation (PTEXIM CORP) - a reputable spice exporter in the Top 10 of Vietnam.

With the national spirit, we realize that these elite values need to be preserved and spread farther and wider, beyond the national border, reaching the world's consumer communities by unique products with superior quality. Each product contains messages about health, cultural and cuisine values, is the crystallization of the process of researching, constantly absorbing innovation according to the most advanced standards to preserve and fully convey the precious essences from nature.

The affection of the domestic and international consumer communities is our motivation to continue researching and developing, producing unique and premium products.